Life by you opdatering

Min første post i år – hmm – der sker jo ikke så meget lige nu hvad spil angår

Men jeg skrev for nogen tid siden at life by you skulle udkomme i tidlig adgang d. 5. marts 2024.

Dette er nu ændret til d. 4 juni – men det kan jo blive ændret igen. Øv øv for jeg ville virkelig gerne spille dette spil og som tiden går er det jo svært at holde gnisten oppe.

And in english:

My first post of the year – hmm – there’s not much going on right now in terms of games

But I wrote some time ago that life by you should be released in early access on March 5, 2024.

This has now been changed to 4 June – but it can be changed again. Really sad, because I really wanted to play this game and as time goes by it’s hard to keep the spark up.

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